13th International Conference on Drosophila Heterochromatin

Cagliari, Italy • 4-10 June 2017



Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Greetings from Cagliari!

We are writing to let you know, old and new friends, about plans for the upcoming “13th International Conference on Drosophila Heterochromatin”, HC 2017.

As already anticipated during the last meeting, we are organizing this meeting in Cagliari, a beautiful town of Sardinia, one of the most fascinating regions of Italy.

The meeting venue has a large space for posters and a meeting room that can comfortably accommodate more than 100 people. Thus, in addition to the platform speakers, we welcome applications from other scientists, including your postdocs and graduate students, to attend the meeting and present a poster. Please pass this information on to anyone you think would be interested in attending.

We will continue with a feature introduced at the past meetings; inclusion of eminent researchers studying heterochromatin in other organisms.

As always, in addition to the scientific sessions, we will take advantage of the special traditions and sites that this area of Italy has to offer.

The meeting will be held at the Convento San Giuseppe.

Among the extra-meeting activities, we will be given round trip along the lovely coast of Sardinia and along gorgeous archaeological sites.

It is very likely that costs will be almost the same as for the last meeting. The complete list of prices for the different hotel categories, as well as payment methods, will be made available soon through these pages. In parallel, we will sent out a message to our mailing list with this information, along with a preliminary programme.

Monia and Federico will take care of the social and practical aspects of the meeting organization also in Cagliari.

We are sure that, given the perfect setting and the continuous exciting progress being made in the study of heterochromatin, we will once again have a particularly enjoyable and productive meeting.

For any questions, don't hesitate to contact us:

We look forward to welcoming you all to Cagliari!



Abstract submission:
15 May 2017

Scientific Organisers

Sergio Pimpinelli
Sapienza University of Rome

Maurizio Pinna
University of Salento

Valeria Specchia
University of Salento

Organising Secretariat

Gubbio Servizi S.r.l.

Under the aegis of

Comune di Cagliari